best of them ALL
my fav of the series!
"take that crime!"
"actually that wasnt crime, it was just a box with crime written on it"
best of them ALL
my fav of the series!
"take that crime!"
"actually that wasnt crime, it was just a box with crime written on it"
i like ur flash n stuff very good, smooth etc. but i dont really understand it ATOL lol
kinda random stuff! but still good in a odd way
trailer was better
The trailer made the movie seem it was gonna be amazin. but the actual movie didnt really... like up to expectations. ah well. i remember watchin the trailer about a year ago n thinking OMFG cant wait to see wit he comes up wit... AH WELL.. hope u keep at ur movies after ur studies anwayz!
Joined on 12/16/04